De Novo Agreement

De Novo Agreement – Understanding the Legal Term

In the world of law, there are certain terms that are commonly used, but may not be familiar to everyone. One such term is “de novo agreement.” This term is often used in civil litigation cases, and it refers to a type of legal agreement that involves a fresh start or a new beginning.

What is a De Novo Agreement?

A de novo agreement is a type of legal agreement that is made after a previous agreement has been terminated. It is often used in situations where the parties involved wish to start afresh and create a new agreement that is not bound by the terms of the previous agreement. This type of agreement can be used in a variety of legal contexts, including civil litigation cases, where it is sometimes used to resolve disputes between parties.

How does a De Novo Agreement work?

A de novo agreement is a completely new agreement that is created after the termination of a previous agreement. This means that the terms of the previous agreement are no longer binding and the parties involved are free to negotiate new terms and conditions. This can be an effective way to resolve disputes, as it allows the parties to start afresh, without being constrained by the terms of the previous agreement.

In order for a de novo agreement to be effective, it must be agreed upon by all parties involved. This means that each party must be willing to negotiate new terms and agree to the new agreement. Once the agreement is made, it is binding, and the parties are legally bound to comply with the terms of the agreement.

Why use a De Novo Agreement?

There are a number of reasons why parties may choose to use a de novo agreement. One of the main reasons is that it allows the parties to negotiate new terms and conditions, without being bound by the terms of the previous agreement. This can be particularly beneficial in situations where the previous agreement was contentious or where there has been a change in circumstances.

Another reason why parties may choose to use a de novo agreement is that it can be a quicker and more efficient way to resolve disputes. Instead of going through a lengthy legal process, the parties can negotiate a new agreement and avoid the costs and delays associated with litigation.


A de novo agreement is a type of legal agreement that can be used in a variety of legal contexts, including civil litigation cases. It involves creating a new agreement after a previous agreement has been terminated. This can be an effective way to resolve disputes and allows parties to negotiate new terms and conditions without being bound by the terms of the previous agreement. If you`re involved in a legal dispute, consider whether a de novo agreement might be the right option for you.